In Country Presence
We create that local presence which means You Belong Here
Local representative
AAE is your liaison with local agencies, the U.S. Consulate, EducationUSA, U.S. Commercial Service, and other entities critical to success.In Country Events & Conferences
AAE attends industry standard recruiting events and is AIRC certified as well. Our agents work to bring universities the students they need.B2B Development
AAE has an extensive network of agents and is AIRC certified as well. We will help you reach your recruiting goals. Our agents work to bring universities the students they need.What we Can do
unique services
Rooted Internationalization
At AAE Global, we believe that the success of your institution’s commitment to engage with the World must be rooted in the local community. That means having a long-term strategic approach. AAE Global work with your institution to identify the best means to prioritize international opportunities and foster deep engagement, be they international recruitment, in-country teaching, research or co-curricular activities.
We create that local presence which means You Belong Here.
More Detail
The first step toward a rooted presence is to establish a relationship with a trusted agent who will facilitate and coordinate local activities, acting as your representative office. We partner with a global network of AIRC certified education agencies, who serve as your base for in-country initiatives.
Your strategy is an investment, and to succeed it must be a multi-year effort. AAE Global works with institutions on a multi-year basis. Your program plan is supervised locally, but in accordance with your standards of practice and legal requirements. You are in control.
Your institution needs to enter a market and belong there. AAE Global helps you gain that foothold, extend your presence, and gather important intelligence to advance the strategy. Your local representative can serve as your liaison with local agencies, the U.S. Consulate, EducationUSA, U.S. Commercial Service, and other entities critical to success. For institutions focused on international student recruitment, your rep office will be an important link in training school counselors and others about the advantages and characteristics of your institution.
Small and large institutions alike can benefit from an in-country representative, and the cost is lower than you may think. Such arrangements are particularly fruitful during periods of disruption, such as Covid-19 when travel is restricted and direct management of your recruitment agency network is difficult. Your in-country operation, managed by AAE Global, assures you that your efforts will continue despite disruptive events.
Contact us for more information about how AAE can help you root your institutions efforts in local markets:
Interested? Contact us and we'll get back to you soon!
If you want to speak with someone immediately, please call Ken Cooper, at (856) 308-5426. If you have questions or want to speak with an Education Consultant about your case, please fill out the form below.
Why Vietnam?
Vietnam is uniquely situated demographically, economically, and culturally for rapid growth and increasing importance on both Asian and world affairs. Education is as prized in Vietnam as anywhere else in the world. The scarcity of competitive institutions of higher education within the country, coupled with the emergence of Vietnam as a modern economy, puts the need for American educational opportunities for Vietnamese students into sharp focus.
The United States is the leading trading partner for Vietnamese exports, contributing to the need for Vietnamese students to be familiar with American culture, business, and financial systems.
Currently there are approximately 63,700 Vietnamese students that study in a four year college or university outside of their home country. This number is expected to grow by 50% each year in the coming years due to a number of factors: